So let’s be honest here….you want things to get better but no matter what you try it hasn’t worked?  You’ve tried everything and anything,  spent a fortune in the process, pinning your hopes onto the next thing that will make a change?  And it does for a little bit but then your back in the same place again? If this is you then hello and welcome!!

I’m a Health & Wellbeing Coach working for the NHS and a trauma-informed therapeutic practitioner combining somatic coaching and integrated health approaches to get YOU back. 

I am on a mission to help women break free from stress, rid overwhelm, become unstuck, thrive and find meaning in their lives by awakening their potential to live a life of joy, love and connection.

As a fellow menopausal Mum looking after my family, my parents and working,  I know that life can be tough, it can be really challenging.

I know that supplements, a healthy lifestyle and deep breaths aren’t going to make you sleep through the night and change your life!!

I’m a Health & Wellbeing Coach working for the NHS, a Somatic Trauma Informed Coach and a Pilates Teacher

I am on a mission to help women break free from stress, rid overwhelm, become unstuck, thrive and find meaning in their lives by awakening their potential to live a life of joy, love and connection.

As a fellow peri-menopausal Mum looking after my family, my parents and working,  I know that life can be tough, it can be really challenging.

I know that supplements, a healthy lifestyle and deep breaths aren’t going to make you sleep through the night and change your life!!

So let’s be honest here….you want things to get better but no matter what you try it hasn’t worked?  You’ve tried everything and anything,  spent a fortune in the process, pinning your hopes onto the next thing that will make a change?  And it does for a little bit but then your back in the same place again?

I know what that’s like!!

Do you ever find yourself wondering what it would feel like not to have a mind that is constantly whirring, to feel uplifted, have more energy and to feel like your life is happening for you to not you?

Let me guess: you’re here because you’re looking for answers. You’re done with feeling like this and know deep down things

You’re not alone. 

Every day, I work with clients who are right where you are now. And I was once there myself.

I felt like I was living a life that wasn’t mine.  I had a deep seated unconscious pattern in me that made me want to take care of everyone else around me but not look after myself in the same way.  I didn’t need that I was strong after all; as long as everyone else was ok then life was good.

But really it wasn’t.

It took me hitting ROCK BOTTOM that I finally thought things have to change, I can’t go on like this.

I was depressed, anxious and burnt out with my menopausal symptoms hitting hard. I felt stuck, alone and didn’t know how to move forwards.

I had chronic fatigue, TMJ (jaw clenching – keeping it all in!), insomnia, neck issues, the list kind of goes on!

I realised I was in another toxic/narcissistic ultimately unsupportive relationship.  As if I hadn’t learnt my lessons from my ex-husband. I had poor boundaries and my anxieties hitting the roof.

I tried talking therapies and although it helped, I was still left with the same issues, I was still battling the same feelings and physical symptoms.

I took all the supplements, ate all the right foods, did all the exercise, started HRT, took testosterone which undoubtedly helped but still left me in the same boat.

I finally realised things must change and the change had to start with ME.

It wasn’t until I started focusing on healing my nervous system that my life took a truly transformative turn. 

I FINALLY had a toolkit and practices that actually worked.  I was looking at life through a different lens.

I strongly believe that by addressing the ROOT causes of what’s going on and not just dealing with the symptoms HUGE shifts can occur.

I don’t want YOU going through what I did for as long as I did.  I want you to live the life you deserve, full of passion and purpose.

  • PCI Accredited Health & Wellness Coach
  • ICF Accredited Somatic Trauma Informed Coach
  • BASI Pilates Instructor
  • Level 2 Reiki Practitioner
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
  • Polyvagal Informed
  • Internal Family Systems informed
  • Nervous System Health
  • Meditation
  • PCI Accredited Health & Wellness Coach
  • ICF Accredited Somatic Trauma Informed Coach
  • BASI Pilates Instructor
  • Level 2 Reiki Practitioner
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
  • Polyvagal Informed
  • Internal Family Systems informed
  • Nervous System Health
  • Meditation
Sara Vida also holds a professional role at Kingston Hospital
Sara is proud to hold a Personalised Care Institute Accreditation
Sara Vida holds an accreditation with the International Coaching Federation
Sara works at Kingston Hospital as a valued expert in her field for the NHS
Sara is proud to hold a BASI PILATES Accreditation