I know what that’s like!!
Do you ever find yourself wondering what it would feel like not to have a mind that is constantly whirring, to feel uplifted, have more energy and to feel like your life is happening for you to not you?
Let me guess: you’re here because you’re looking for answers. You’re done with feeling like this and know deep down things
You’re not alone.
Every day, I work with clients who are right where you are now. And I was once there myself.
I felt like I was living a life that wasn’t mine. I had a deep seated unconscious pattern in me that made me want to take care of everyone else around me but not look after myself in the same way. I didn’t need that I was strong after all; as long as everyone else was ok then life was good.
But really it wasn’t.
It took me hitting ROCK BOTTOM that I finally thought things have to change, I can’t go on like this.
I was depressed, anxious and burnt out with my menopausal symptoms hitting hard. I felt stuck, alone and didn’t know how to move forwards.
I had chronic fatigue, TMJ (jaw clenching – keeping it all in!), insomnia, neck issues, the list kind of goes on!
I realised I was in another toxic/narcissistic ultimately unsupportive relationship. As if I hadn’t learnt my lessons from my ex-husband. I had poor boundaries and my anxieties hitting the roof.
I tried talking therapies and although it helped, I was still left with the same issues, I was still battling the same feelings and physical symptoms.
I took all the supplements, ate all the right foods, did all the exercise, started HRT, took testosterone which undoubtedly helped but still left me in the same boat.
I finally realised things must change and the change had to start with ME.
It wasn’t until I started focusing on healing my nervous system that my life took a truly transformative turn.
I FINALLY had a toolkit and practices that actually worked. I was looking at life through a different lens.
I strongly believe that by addressing the ROOT causes of what’s going on and not just dealing with the symptoms HUGE shifts can occur.
I don’t want YOU going through what I did for as long as I did. I want you to live the life you deserve, full of passion and purpose.